In Machinarium there are thirty challenging Levels to be discovered and explored.
- Junkyard (level) (tutorial)
- Drawbridge (level)
- Bottom (level)
- Furnace Room (level)
- Prison Cells (level)
- Guardroom (level)
- Telescope Room (level)
- Prison Corridor (level)
- Sea (level)
- Docks (level)
- Buskers' Square (level)
- Pub (level)
- Elevator Stairway (level)
- Clock Square (level)
- Arcade Bridge (level)
- Bathhouse (level)
- Wall - middle (level)
- Kitchen (level)
- Wall - base (level)
- Wall - top (level)
- Glasshouse (level)
- Castle Bridge (level)
- Games Arcade (level)
- Elevator (level)
- Lobby (level)
- Restroom (level)
- Bomb (level)
- Castle (level)
- Cellar (level)
- Dome (level) (and final cut scene)
Alternate Map by suseuser:
Machinarium City first appears as a rather large structure. Upon closer inspection however it must be very small. If you look at the levels Drawbridge - Buskers Square - Pub and Card room - Kitchen - Wall (base level) it seems there is little space within the walls.
However, one could also argue that the level Wall is neither located on the exact opposite side of the city, nor is it located on city's circumference.